Field Notes
Field Notes
Ep 47: Tim Stojanovic – Whose oceans to gain from and govern?
This is the United Nations Decade of the Ocean, bringing an increased focus on caring for the ‘blue’ bit of the planet. Governing marine and coastal areas involves convening a multitude of groups - often with competing interests. Agreeing a management approach that works not only for the humans but the many other living things in the ecosystem may be difficult but it isn’t impossible, as Environmental Geographer Dr Tim Stojanovic can testify.
Over his 30 year career, Tim has researched how nations and communities are managing their coasts and seas, and what is being achieved and he has some hopeful stories to tell. In this episode of Field Notes, we ask whether sustainable development is an oxymoron, whether humans ever have a net positive impact on the world around them, and why we need to pay attention to a wider range of benefits to a healthy ocean than economic growth.